Whiskers grooming explained

Brush your hair toward the path that it develops with the goal that the hairs are at their most extreme tallness and looking a similar way. At that point choose how you need your facial hair to look when you’re done cutting. Shave as you normally do, including the uncovered parts of cheeks and neck. Wash off the shaving cream and wet your facial hair marginally. At that point decide how much hair you need to trim and position the hair length selector in like manner. Keep in mind, until you know about utilizing the trimmer, it’s in every case better to choose a more drawn out hair setting at first all together not to trim excessively hair.

Trim Beard Length

Put trimmer watchman attachment on and turn the trimmer so the front of the removing unit is looking from you. Begin cutting under your jawline and, following your jawbone line, move in the direction of your ear and upper whiskers line utilizing an upward movement. Enable the trimmer watchman attachment to pursue the forms of your face. You may trim either against or with the course of facial hair development, whichever you favor.

Characterizing Your Beard Line

Expel trimmer watchman attachment and hold the trimmer vertically with trimmer cutting sharp edges confronting you. Begin with the edge of your facial hair line, and with the trimming sharp edges leaning daintily against your skin, use movements toward the edge of whiskers line to trim the facial hair line to wanted area.

Slender and Taper the Beard

Expel trimmer gatekeeper attachment and utilize the unit’s styling brush or another little brush and hold the whiskers hairs set up while cutting. Holding the trimmer on a level plane with the removing unit looking from you, move the trimmer along the length of the brush. Ensure that the trimmer gatekeeper attachment is on and set to position 1(1.5 mm) or 2 (2.5 mm). Hold the trimmer on baard verzorgen level plane with the chopping unit confronting either up down. Trim hairs utilizing an upward or descending movement, against or with the bearing of hair development, whichever you incline toward. For a much closer stubble look, evacuate the trimmer gatekeeper attachment and rehash the past two stages. Be mindful so as not to evacuate excessively hair, making a smudged look.

Facial hair trimming tips

Facial hair trimmers are less demanding to use than scissors, as you can change trimmer settings to trim hair at different lengths. Set your whiskers trimmer to a more extended hair length in case you’re new to utilizing one – you would prefer not to trim excessively at first. Wet hair is longer than dry hair, so trim a little at any given moment.

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